miércoles, 3 de enero de 2018

Phonological awareness

"The phonologial awareness package" compiled by Jane Sheils and Yvonne Sawyers.

It is a book organized in nine levels in which you can find songs and other resources related with the awareness of the form of words and the sounds.

LEVEL 1: knowledge of rhymes

Exposure to nursery rhymes can help students toward becoming proficient readers. The students develop  literacy skills.
To get better results it is important to use gestures, facial expressions, using easy songs... all things that the children can seem attractive and funny in the way that they learn.

I have chosen these songs:

LEVEL 2: Word Awareness

In this level, children have to identify words within sentences, because before to understand a complete sentence we need to know the meaning of each word or the majority of them.
For this level I chose compound words activity. This activity consists of using more than one picture to form compound words. So with two simple words they can obtain one complex word. This is my example:

LEVEL 3: Recognition & Production of Rhyme

The next step is to recognise the rhymes in the oral communication. It is a difficult stage because the children only hear the sounds. The activity that I have chosen for this level is: You can come sailing in my ship.
This activity is an oral activity. The teacher has to ask if the students wants to sailing in her ship. But they only can come if they bring something special. For example, the teacher say that she is going to take a bun, so the students have to think of things with the same rhyme like sun, fun, one...

I have done one mini child. If they say the correct word they will come in to the ship.

LEVEL 4: Recognition & Production of Syllables

The next step is the identification of syllables. All the activities of this level are related to the division of the syllables. I chose tha activity: clapping syllables. In this case, I recorded the activity with the vocaroo tool. This is the link: https://vocaroo.com/i/s1ZLtS5cr6Ly

LEVEL 5: Recognition & Production of intial sounds

Initial sound activities introduces the phonemes. My activity is: phoneme train. With this activity we can introduce the concept of phoneme through pictures and with a train with carriages. We start with CVC words and it is necessary that children understand that all words have a beggining, middle and an end.

So they can segment the pictures according to the phonemes of the word. This is an example:

We have the train:

We have the word cat; and we have the picture:

And finally they segment in phonemes and put them in the correct place:

LEVEL 6: Recognition & Production of final phonemes

My activity of this level is Last sound last. The objective of this activity is that the students recognise the last phonemes of a group of word. 
I use the vocaroo tool to do this activity. This is the link: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0hBxCQSNpKT

LEVEL 7 and 8: Blending phonemes to make words. Phonemic segmentation

Blending phonemes: a word is presented with the individual phonemes and the students have to put together to make the word. And phonemic segmentation is the opposite; the word is given in a normal way and the children have to segmente it.

My activity is: drawing lines in a picture. It consists of drawing lines in a picture as many phonemes have the words.
These are pictures of my activity:

LEVEL 9: Phonemic manipulation.

The ability to delete initial and final phonemes in words is the phonemic manipulation. This is the last step of the phonological awareness.  These are the most difficult activities of all them. My activity consists of saying correctly some words that a minion says wrong. For example, the minion says bug but the picture is a bus, the challenge for the children is to say the correct phonemes of the word.
I used the notebook for this activity so these are some screenshot of my activity:


Jolly Phonics is a good way to teach our students the phonics of English. The Jolly Phonics gives us a lot of resources of each sound. It is a method that it teachs with a multiple senses for example through the images, the sounds and the movement.

Jolly Phonics divide the sounds in seven groups which are:
Each sound has a specific song. These are all the songs of Jolly Phonics: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mecm1tx9fbdobsz/jolly%20songs.notebook?dl=0

To work all these sounds we used the Jolly Phonic Workbook to follow an order. I did all the activities with the notebook.
In this blog, I will show one sound of each group of phonics. 

I do the same thing for all the sounds. First,  I use a poster, an image or a video to introduce the sound; secondly, I show them a song and an action; thirdly, I give them exercises to do; and finally they have to practise the letter shape.
I did one teaching sequence of each sound to explain what I do. The teaching sequence have a similar structure like this:

Phonics 1. Teaching sequence
S s
Introducing the sound

Action and song



The first group: s, a, t, i, p, n;
I will share with you one sound of the first group. The sound is S.


The second group of phonics: c k, e, h, r, m, d.

An example of this group is the letter d:

The third group of phonics: g, o, u, l, f, b.


The fourth group of phonics: ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or.

The fifth group of phonics: z, w, ng, v, oo.

The sixth group of phonics: y, x, ch, sh, th.

The seventh group of phonics: qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar.

Grammar and spelling


According to the Grammar Handbook we did our activity of spelling. We only did one of all of them because we have not had too much time.
The activity that I did is about the sh diagraph. First the students hear the sound sh and then they have to find words with sh sound to feed the fishes.


In this part of grammar, we keep in mind the same book that I have mentioned before. We have done more exercises of this type. We have worked adjectives, verbs, nouns, adverbs... I have done all the activities in the notebook. In some activities I have paid attention to the web "Sparlekbox" in which there are a lot of resources to develop the activities and the theory.

I will show some examples of the activites of grammar but this is the link to the folder with all complete files of the grammar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wsg8jykfvwcamsj/AACtlQs6cuYLNzjxbw6NTofma?dl=0 

- The first activity is to introduce rainbow capitals to the children. For foing it I show them a song with a picture that has the letters. Then they have to identify what letters are. And the final step, they have to write capital letters.


Other example that we saw: infinitive verbs. We can see in the chapter fourteen of the Grammarbook. 

In all activities of this book, each type of word has a specific colour, for example the verbs had to underline in red.

This is my activity:

Classroom language

Classroom language

We had to read six units with a lot of useful vocabulary to apply in the class. In each unit we had to record some parts to practise the fluency of the oral speaking in classroom. In other parts we had to summarize the principal ideas; for example doing a cmap or doing a chart.

Some examples of each unit:

Lesson 1- Language in classroom
Lesson 2- social skills

Lesson 4 - Listen and do
Lesson 3 -Classroom management

Lesson 5- Listen and make

Lesson 6 - Speaking with support

Oral Communication

Oral communication is our second subject this year. In this subject we can see a lot of resources for different types of contents that we will have to carry out in our future job.

During the triannual we saw:

- Grammar and spelling.
- Phonics.
- Phonological awareness.
- Language of lessons.

A summary of all these things you can see later.

Year 6. Kensuke's Kingdom

"Kensuke's Kingdom" written by Michael Morpurgo

This book tells the story of Michael who is a boy that lives with his parents. But they have a lot of economic problems so one day they decide to travel around the world with a yatch during one year. The yatch is called "Peggy Sue" and they travel from England to South America, to Africa and the last place is Australia. But during the trip the main character lost in an island of the Pacific. There he met a someone else, Kensuke, who is a survivor of the World War in Japan. After days or months, Michael comes back to home with his parents. 
We work this story with a new online tool that is called Tripline. Tripline is an excellent aplication to organise trips. You can do the trip around all the world or you can do around a small place. 

This page permit you to add information of each place that you want to visit as well as images.

This is the journey of the Michael and his family:

For consolidate the knowledge of this tool we have to do another tripline but this time about our ideal journey. This is my journey:

martes, 2 de enero de 2018

Year 5 The true story of the three little pigs

"The true story of the three little pigs" written by Jon Scieszka.

All of us know the story about three pigs but this story is very different to the original. This is the version of the wolf. 

This book tries to give importance to the wolf who is the bad character in the first version but nobody worry about his feelings and actions. So the author tries to give another perspective to the children. In my opinion, he does it because he wants to teach the students that all the stories have more than one version and it is necessary to hear all to understand the problem.

If we compare both stories we can see similiraties and differences, we work it with a Venn diagram and with a compare and contrast template of Inspiration.

The new story tells that the poor wolf only wants a cup of sugar so he decides to ask the three little pigs. The wolf was flu. He went to the first house but he had a problem, he sneezed so strong that he demolished the house and he eat the first little pig.

In the second house something similar happened. But in the third house, the little pig called the police and the wolf was arrested.

After read and see the different points of view we have to do a neardpod and this is mine:

We worked word, sentence and tex level with this book. First to work the the differences and similiraties I have done a Venn diagram in which children have to put images of the story and then they have to write sentences about the pictures.

Then we did a compare and contraste map. It is very similar to the Venn diagram but in this new map we can include key words to scaffold our understanding and the understanding of the children. When we did this, also we did a PowerPoint presentation but we did not use the normal PowerPoint we used the Inspiration tool. This is the result of all the work:

Compare and contrast map
Sentence level - compare and contrast

PowerPoint Compare and contrast
PowerPoint Compare and contrast

Year 4. The owl who was afraid of dark.

"The owl who was afraid of dark" written by Jill Tomlinson.

This book tells the story about an owl who was afraid of the dark. His mum encourages him to discover the good things of it. So the owl ask to many people and animals how they think that the night is. 
Finally the little owl, Plop, who is the main character of the story, changes his vision of the night and he think that the night is beautiful, fantastic... so now loves the night.

This tale is aimed for the children in fourth grade. This book has a lot of contents because of it has a lot of grammar structures, new vocabulary and different types of speech.

With this new book we saw a new tool that is called Neardpod. Using Nearpod is an advantage for us and for our students. It permits you to personalise the task for each children considering that each student is different and need distinct times  to understand or read the stories.

Neardpod is a educational tool and we can use for all subjects because has a lot of resources that you can use to promote the participation.

In relation to this story, we use the new tool to encourage the individual reading as well as to create their own atmosphere with music. Also we use it to foster the competition between children and more other things that you will see next.

This is my Neardpod classroom:

Year 3. Lazy Jack

"Lazy Jack" by Toni Ross.

The story of Lazy Jack tells the life of a silly boy who always does idiot things and his poor mum scold him. Jack is the main character and he is very lazy. Another important character is the sad princess who finally knows a Jack and something happen between both of them.

This book is for three level and it introduces dialogs although they are very repetitive.

We use the storyboard template of Kidspiration to develop the story. They can analyse the characters, the settings, what happen during the story and the three big ideas of the story.

Like with the other stories we can work word, sentence and text level with this template.

This is my activity:

Year 2. My cat likes to hide in boxes

"My cat likes to hide in boxes" by Eve Sutton and illustrated by Lynely Dodd.

This book is aimed to the level two in primary education. It is a good book because we can connect with the geography subject because the cats are of different countries. We saw this story with another that was "The hungry Carterpillar".
This story has a lot of rhymes, and easy sentences.

It tells the story about cats who are from different places. These cats like to do interesting things but there is a special cat who only likes to hide in boxes.

With this story we work a simple template of Kidspiration which it permits us to connect the cats with their countries.

This is my activity: 

Then we had to create an activity to work the unit of work. I decided to work sentence level. For doing it, I chose the plenary activity. It consists of telling to the students some sentences and they have to decide whether if they are correct or incorrect. In case that the sentences are incorrect they have to arrange each word to give sense.
I have used the notebook to carry out this activity but also it it possible to do in low tech.